Sunday, March 1, 2015

Winter is not over....indoor training for a bit longer!!

After getting flavors of spring the time of a trail run and long ride, we are now back to the real winter. It is cold and we got quite a lot of snow during the last week...we all try to enjoy as much as possible that making snowmen.

 Aside, the winter "fun", we are adapting the best we can the training to get the best of our indoor time. We are keeping the swim session alternating between pyramid - sprint set - technique session.

Our main issue so far is the run....It's really hard to keep a good volume of running and motivation with this long winter. To get back on the run, we are adapting now our training to stay indoor while running...using the elliptical and treadmill.

 I used to feel really dizzy at the end of this training, but it seems to get better...2 or 3 more weeks and we should be good to get back outdoor

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