Time to step up the game and to finally jump into the main
Adventure Race category “Co-Ed”. Brooke joined Marc and I to create under the
sponsorship of Moziatex, the new Trialo Jovent 79 official Adventure race team “TJ79
Team Moziatex”. Moziatex, sport wears personalizing company from Barcelona agreed
to provide racing kits for the team in our pink and blue favorite colors. A big
thanks to them for keeping us shiny and comfy in top notch technical sport
All of us got hyper active setting-up gears and food
for the next morning for the 18hr of race ahead.
Lot of rain and flooding had Matt and Shawn from 361 to
re-shape at last minute the course and to cancel the paddling leg.
We realized just before heading to the checking that the
direction changes a last time, after 30min drive we staged our bikes and bucket
full of goods near the check-in.

At 10:30 am all racers are launched in the wild to compete for
the next 18hrs in a beautiful weather. We started at a good pace the first trek
clearing the first 3 CPS easily. A too early turn south cost us lot of time and
for the first time we found ourself totally lost. We finally cleared CP4 and went
back on track.

After 14k ride to reach the last trek, we cleared it after a
serious dense bushwhacking to reach the last CP of the race. We left the bike
drop in overall 4rd position just before Roar 4 male team, trying to
find a small trail to shortcut the way back. We did find the un-rideable trail
and finally decided to take the long road way to the finish.
Finally, we finished in 15hr26min in 5th
(overall) and 2nd in Co-Ed division. A really fun day learning to
race with Brooke. Couple of mistakes cost us maybe a better finish but the main
goals of enjoyable time in the woods and qualifying for USARA national are